Tuesday, January 21, 2014

9 months and we are still going strong!!!

     My husband made this blog 6 months ago and I am just now writing on it! I cannot believe how long we have been married now. 9 months!! And no, we do NOT have a baby yet! ha-ha. I knew that would be the next question. We have had many ups and downs through these 9 months and I have so much love for my wonderful husband Geoffrey. I just graduated college this past December and am feeling great! I am now doing an internship at a Montessori preschool and taking one class. Geoffrey is doing school full time and staying busier than ever! I miss him all the time, but that is how it goes right? 
    Wow! to catch up on all that we have missed, we had our first Christmas together with my family in Pocatello this year. It was so much fun. We created so many great memories. We have been through many trials already and I feel like a much stronger person from them. I have learned many new things about myself and my spouse as time has gone on. I feel that it is very important to always say "I'm Sorry." in a marriage even if it is not your fault. I have learned to put my husband first in all things. I always strive to make him the happiest man on the planet! I love to see him smile, and he can always make me smile!! :) 
    I have made a new year's resolution to cook better meals, and it is going pretty good so far. I love cooking for my hubby and making him a good home cooked meal after a long day at school. Bless his heart, he has school on Mondays and Wednesdays literally from 9AM-6PM. I have no idea how he does it!?! He is absolutely amazing in my eyes even if he doesn't think so. 
  Well I hope to write on here more often as time goes on. Life is busy but this is so much fun and I want to share are stories with you all! Thanks.