Mayo Clinic-Day 9 (Wednesday October 25, 2017)
We rolled out of bed around 4:30 am even though I had been awake
since 4 am. Brianna needed to do her special shower wash so that was the first
thing that needed to be done. After showers, we got dressed for the day and got
everything that we needed for the day. I told Brianna to pack a light bag to
have when the surgery was over. We left the hotel around 5:30 am to get to the
hospital on time. It was a quiet ride as we were both very tired as well as a
little nervous for the day to begin. Upon arrival we headed inside to the
receptionist. There had to have been at least 100 people there in the lobby
waiting area prepping for surgery. I have never seen anything like it. We
checked Brianna in and were informed that a private room would cost a little
extra which I was more than happy paying as we have so much family here. We
were told to go and sit down and someone would be with us shortly to take us
After a few minutes we were called to go to the next stage of the
process. We walked down the hallway and up an elevator to the Surgery Prep Prep
area. I say Surgery Prep Prep area because this was all the paperwork and
vitals and what not that needed to be completed prior to Surgery Prep. Brianna
changed into her gown and put all of her clothes in the bag she brought. Soon
after a Chaplain came and asked us if we were doing okay and if we needed any
spiritual care they could come and tend to us. We thanked him for coming and
let him know we didn't need anything at that time. As he was leaving, a
pharmacist entered the room to verify medications. As Brianna really isn't
taking anything except her prenatal vitamin, that visit was pretty short. Then
two nurses came in to take Brianna's vitals and ask her some post procedural
questions like how she will manage getting around after the procedure. During
that time the surgeons assistant came and answered any remaining questions as
well as reviewed Brianna's head and initialed where the surgery would be
performed. I was then taken on a short tour of where I could stay, what the
process would be for updating me as well as what to do if I decided to step
out. I was informed that there would be a case nurse who would call me or talk
to me when the surgery actually started and when it was finished. That really
brought some peace knowing that I would be continually updated. When I returned
the nurses finished up and it was time for Brianna to head back to Pre Surgery.
This was the point that we had to separate as I was not allowed back in the
Operating Room (OR). I kissed my sweet wife and told her that everything would
be okay. I let her know that it would be like a dream for her and it would be
over shortly. I told her that I loved her and that I would see her soon. She
smiled and told me to get some rest which we all knew wasn't going to actually
happen. I watched as they wheeled her down the hall to prep for the next
I then went to the waiting room and wrote Mayo Clinic-Day 7. I
knew I was behind so I was attempting to catch up. Both sets of parents were
now texting me and making sure I was doing okay as well as wanting to know if I
was coming back to the hotel. I told them I did want to go eat as well as see
Watson but I wanted to finish my blog. I was told to do whatever brought me
peace. I finished writing the blog around 7:30 am and headed back to the hotel.
I was told that Brianna would only being Pre Op for an hour and then would be
in surgery but I had not received a call yet. I figured they had just forgotten
to call. Not thinking too much about it, I ate breakfast with my family and
just relaxed for a bit. I started with Watson, Kim and Terry and they shortly
went to their room to prep Watson for the day. I then ate with my Dad and
shortly after my Mom joined us. We watched some Rhett and Link (silly YouTube
channel called Good Mythical More look it up) which allowed us to laugh and
just breathe. As we were walking back upstairs, I received a phone call at 9:24
am that Brianna was just now going into surgery. I was amazed that it took that
long but was glad to hear things were moving along smoothly. My mom wanted to
go to a store so I gathered everybody so we could go to Shopko as we attempted
to burn some time. We shopped at Shopko for about an hour and then I had
another phone call stating that the procedure was completed and that they were
sewing Brianna back up. At that point we knew we could head back to the
We were told to go to the 8th floor and wait in the family waiting
area. On our way to the Hospital, Watson fell asleep. After parking, I
carefully picked up and he stayed asleep as I carried him through the halls. At
one point there were two people pushing loud carts and they even stopped to let
me walk by as Watson was sleeping. I thought that was very nice. We arrived at
the family waiting area and I continued to hold Watson as he slept. After about
5-10 minutes our name was called to go downstairs to speak with Dr. Meyer
regarding the biopsy and how everything went. We were put in another waiting
area for another 5 minutes. We then were called to another room where Dr. Meyer
would come talk with us. As we got into that room, Watson woke up. The 5 adults
in the room attempted to entertain Watson to the best of our ability. Shortly
after entering the room Dr. Meyer came to speak with us. He let us know that
Brianna had done wonderfully and that there had been no complications. He
stated that there was not bleeding and he was able to extract 5 tissue samples
which will allow them to get the testing that they need to perform. He informed
us that it could be a few days before there are any results and asked when we
had planned on traveling home. I informed him that I had hoped to fly home
Saturday. He felt that would be a little soon or results but set up a couple of
appointments on Friday for us anyway. I then received a phone call from the
nurse for Brianna letting us know that Brianna was in her room, awake and
asking for us. Dr. Meyer didn't want us to keep her waiting and let us know
that he would keep us updated as he received any news. We headed up to see
Brianna as a family.
As we arrived, Brianna looked very groggy and very sleepy. She
said she was feeling a little nauseous but overall was feeling good. She didn't
feel any point at all which I was happy about. She had a bandage on her head
and it made her look like the Pope. We each took some time talking to her and
rotating through. At one point Watson was getting to be too much and Terry
decided to take him for a walk. I was informed later that while they were out
there, Watson ran into an elevator and Grandpa Turner ran to get him out but
couldn't get in the elevator fast enough. However, he was able to get his arm
in there before the doors shut but apparently that didn't allow them to open.
He was stuck there with his arm between the doors and Watson terrified in the
elevator with no one else there with him. Some nurses came and helped open the
door for Terry and he was able to get Watson out. During this time I was in the
room talking with Brianna. She let me know that the Anesthesiologist had taken
really good care of her which made me feel really good. She said that he held
her hand has she was falling asleep and told her that everything would be okay.
He continually monitored the baby and kept him safe. The baby is doing fine :)
She and I talked quietly for a little bit and then I let her know we were going
to eat lunch while she took a nap.
We headed down to the cafeteria and grabbed a bite to eat. Some of
the food was similar to the clinic however some was different which allowed us
to get a different taste for some food. It was nice just sitting together
eating lunch and just having good conversations. We discussed what consults
would be needed moving forward and what the plan of action would be as well as
other topics. After a while, Watson no longer wanted to sit in his high chair.
I looked out the window and noticed a very large courtyard and better yet there
really wasn't anywhere to go once you were in there. I decided to take him out
there and just spend a little time with him there. He seemed to really enjoy running
around outside and I could tell it was allowing him to burn off some energy.
After about 30 minutes we headed back inside and I asked my parents if they
would be willing to take Watson for his nap again. They agreed that Brianna
should have her parents there and they could take Watson. Kim had already gone
back to visit with Brianna when Terry and I started heading hat way. I realized
halfway up the elevator that I still had the diaper backpack so I called my
parents and met them outside so they could have what they needed. I then headed
back to see my beautiful bride.
When I arrived she was still very sleepy and very groggy. I sat in
a chair next to her and just held her hand. It felt so nice being so close to
her. I then decided that I was going to take a nap and sat in the recliner.
Realizing that my brain wasn't going to shut down so easily, I began writing
Mayo Clinic Day 8. Brianna then needed to use the bathroom and everyone was
asked to leave but she Okayed me staying. After she was settled back in her bed
we spoke with the nurses for a bit. Brianna has two nurses today, Laura and
Lauren. Lauren is a nurse who just graduated and Laura is her trainer. Both of
them are very young and they were very nice to us. We talked about how
different healthcare is and how well Brianna was recovering. Kim and Terry came
back shortly after and just relaxed with us in the room. As Brianna was
drifting off to sleep I decided to follow up with my Boos as to how things were
going. Katie, my boss, has been very willing to work with me through all of
this and it has been such a blessing to not have to worry about work these two
weeks so I could focus on Brianna. I did however end up talking work with her
and it was nice to see how things are moving along. I look forward to going
back to work because I really do enjoy my job and what I do. As I was talking
with Katie, Brianna pushed her nurse call button so I quickly got off the phone
and tried to see what was going on. Brianna said that she was just feeling
light headed and wanted to be rearranged. The nurse was glad to do so and
wanted to know if Brianna needed to use the restroom. She informed the nurse
that she needed to and we again were asked to leave. This time I left to get
some water as well as use the restroom myself.
Kim, Terry and I sat in a waiting area by the elevators and it was
so nicely air conditioned which really meant it was time for a nap. I woke up
and Kim and Terry were gone. I headed back to Brianna's room and there they
were. Brianna was resting in the recliner. They had moved her there to prep for
dinner but she didn't seem to want to hold any liquids down. I was told that
she decided to throw everything she had been given up and that she just had
been given some more meds to help with that. After the drugs were administered,
Brianna just wanted to sleep. I called my parents and we arranged to have them
come to the hospital and then we would go to dinner. Kim let me know that the
nurses were talking with her about the Neurosurgeon Dr. Meyer. They informed
Kim that it is very difficult to get on Dr. Meyer's as he is one of the best
and is so busy. The nurses told us that we had gotten him. This was another
prayer answered that Brianna would be given the best chance and that was
another witness to me that God lives and he knows the needs of His
We headed out to dinner and had several failed attempts of picking
a location until we decided that Denny's was the place we would be eating.
Watson seemed really tired but I could tell he was hungry. We spent some time
in Denny's sharing stories and just enjoying our time together. Following
dinner, I had a very difficult decision to make. I had to decide who needed me
more, Watson or Brianna. I ended up choosing to go back to the hotel with Watson
as I could tell he needed me to be with him as it had been a long day. I
decided that he needed to be comforted by at least one of his parents tonight.
When we got back, I gave Watson a bath which he seemed to really enjoy; I then
got him ready for bed and read him some stories. I put him down and he fell
asleep within 10 minutes. Considering he is in a pack n play and in a faraway place
that seemed really fast. I then started writing this blog. I was really missing
Brianna so I decided to text her. She just back with me and said she was
starting to feel better but they had just given her some more medication and
she was still very sleepy. She wanted me to share her love and convey how
grateful she is for each one of you. I told her that I chose to be with Watson
tonight and she confirmed that I had made the best decision.
All in all, today was a good day because Brianna and the baby were
healthy and protected during the procedure. The biopsy went well and we will
have results soon. Trust me; we are just as eager to get results as you are. We
are planning on going and visiting Brianna first thin in the morning following
breakfast. We are hoping she is feeling a lot better in the morning. We cannot
thank you enough for the prayers on behalf of our family and for Brianna and
the baby's safety. We know that today many prayers were heard and answered. We
continue trust in the Lord with all of our heart and we encourage you to do the
same. I know that God loves us and that He has His hand involved with this. I
know that we can overcome all things and I know that through Him we can find
peace. May each of us find peace to our souls this night.
I am falling asleep as I write this but I knew people wanted to
know how things went today. We love you and we thank you for all you do for us
and on our behalf. May we each be unified during this time and may we each draw
closer to our Heavenly Father. Until Tomorrow...